Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Municipal decisions for November 26 2008

When I wrote on the Royal Gazette announcements on the area transfer between TAO and municipality Ram Masak, Ang Thong, I claimed that these were not mentioned in any of the board meeting transcripts. But now I know why Google did not find - it was just added recently, and unlike the other municipal decisions this was not discussed in the second board, but in a joint meeting of board one and two. Normally I only check the transcripts of board two as it those so far which contained decisions on the local government entities. So after now I have to check at least the joint meetings as well...

This 5th joint meeting on November 26 had two issues around the municipalities - the first one the transfer of area between TAO and municipality Ram Masak, the second are some amendments on the upgrade of TAO Thung Luang, Wiang Sa, Surat Thani to subdistrict municipality, which already happened in July 2008. But as my Thai is far too bad to actually read this long text, and trying to machine-translate parts with Thai2English did not help much either, the above is all I can report on this meeting right now.

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